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Notable Sightings 2022
29th Peregrine (juv) and Little Egret.
26th Raven (6) and Roe Deer (2).
18th Peregrine, Woodcock and Grey Wagtail.
17th Raven (2).
14th Peregrine, Water Rail and Goldeneye (2).
11th Goldeneye.
10th Red Kite and Raven.
4th Whooper Swan (6), Goosander (m) and Raven (2).
2nd Little Egret.
27th Brambling.

26th Golden Plover (135) and Little Egret (2).
25th KITTIWAKE (1st W), Water Rail and Brambling.
24th Little Egret (2) and Brambling.
23rd Little Egret.
22nd Little Egret.
20th Goosander (m), Water Rail (2), Raven (3), Chiffchaff and
Roe Deer (2f).
19th Water Rail and Raven.
18th Goldeneye, Woodcock and Dunlin.
Roe Deer (3).
16th Water Rail, Barn Owl, Raven (2) and a 
15th Goldeneye (3).
12th Goldeneye.
11th Goldeneye.
10th Peregrine, Jack Snipe and Brambling (2).
9th Raven (2), Redwing and Fieldfare.
8th Water Rail, Raven (2), Golden Plover (40), Brambling (2) and a
7th Water Rail.
6th Goosander, Brambling and 
Roe Deer (3).
5th Little Egret and Chiffchaff.
4th Woodpigeon (14,310), Pink-footed Geese (250), Golden Plover (15), Little Egret and Brambling.
2nd Peregrine, Water Rail, Raven (2), Stonechat, Brambling (2) and a 
Roe Deer.
1st Jack Snipe and Brambling (2).
31st Raven, Brambling and a 
Roe Deer.
30th Little Egret, Water Rail, Raven (2), Stonechat (m) and Brambling (5).
28th Brambling (9) and Barn Owl.
27th Whooper Swan (11).
26th GOSHAWK, Little Egret, Raven (2) and Water Rail.
25th Water Rail and Brambling.
24th Shoveler (30) and a Chiffchaff.
23rd Shoveler (28), Wigeon (21), Water Rail and Brambling.
22nd Jack Snipe, Little Egret and Raven (2).
21st Little Egret (3), Water Rail and Brambling (20).
20th HAWFINCH, Curlew and Water Rail (2).
19th Red Kite, Little Egret, Golden Plover (15), Dunlin, Shoveler (16), Raven (2),
Roe Deer (2) and a Vapourer moth.
18th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W) and Brambling.
17th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), GOSHAWK, Little Egret and Grey Wagtail.
16th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Dunlin, Little Egret (2) and Brambling (2).
15th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W) and Little Egret.
14th Stonechat (2) and Little Egret.
13th Little Egret and Woodlark.
12th Little Egret (7), Raven (2) and Brambling.
11th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W) and Red Kite.
10th Little Egret (2), Raven (5), Redwing (175) and Brambling.
9th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Hobby, Peregrine, Raven, Little Egret (4) and
8th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Hobby (juv) and Whooper Swan (2).
7th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Little Egret (5) and Raven.
6th Brambling, Stonechat and Little Egret (3).
5th Stonechat (3).
4th Peregrine, 25 Wigeon (25), Little Egret (6) and Stonechat (2) (m).
3rd Little Egret (7) and Stonechat (m).
2nd MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Redwing (5), Little Egret (4), Grey Wagtail, Grey Heron (3), Wigeon (17), Raven (5), Stonechat (2), Woodlark, Brambling, 
Roe Deer (2) and a Red Admiral.
1st MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Water Rail, Woodlark, Brambling and Little Egret (4).
30th Little Egret (4) and Wigeon (31).
29th Little Egret (4), Dunlin and Redwing (71).
28th Dunlin, Brambling, Redwing, Little Egrets (3) and Raven (5).
26th Redwing (2), Little Egret (3) and Raven (2).
25th Golden Plover (3), Ringed Plover, Wigeon (11), Pink-footed Geese (160), Sand Martin, Stonechat and Little Egret (3).
24th Pink-footed Geese (34) and Little Egret (3).
23rd MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Stonechat (2), Little Egret (3), Woodlark (6) and
Painted Lady.
22nd Little Egret (2), Raven (2) and Woodlark (4).
21st Little Egret (3).
20th Little Egret.
19th Pink-footed Geese (160), Little Egret, Dunlin and Raven (2).
18th Pink-footed Geese (64) and a Raven.
17th Pink-footed Geese (455), Peregrine, Raven, Woodlark (6) and Stonechat (f).
16th Peregrine, Ringed Plover, Woodlark (6) and Pink-footed Geese (305).
15th Stonechat (m), Pink-footed Geese (14) and Ringed Plover.
14th Pink-footed Geese (18), Little Egret (2), Peregrine, Ringed Plover, Raven (2), Woodlark (6) and a Yellow Wagtail.
13th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W), Little Egret and Ringed Plover.
12th Hobby, Wigeon (12), Raven (2) and 
Roe Deer (2).
11th Little Egrets (2) and Hobby.
9th MEDITERRANEAN GULL (1st W) and Ringed Plover (6).
8th RED-CRESTED POCHARD (3), Golden Plover and Tree Pipit.
7th Green Sandpiper.
6th RED-CRESTED POCHARD and Shoveler (13).
4th Green Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Chiffchaff (29) and Yellow Wagtail.
3rd Greenshank (3) and Redshank.
2nd Water Rail, Ringed Plover, Tree Pipit and
Roe Deer (2).
1st Redshank (4), Dunlin, Little Egret, Tree Pipit and Snipe (2).
31st Hobby, Raven (2) and Tree Pipit.
30th Little Ringed Plover (2),  Shoveler (9) and Woodlark (4).
29th Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, Redshank, Little Ringed Plover (2) and Raven (2).
28th Little Egret, Hobby, Shoveler (8), Wigeon (2), Little Ringed Plover (2), Tree Pipit (3) and Chiffchaff (24).
26th Little Ringed Plover (2), Common Sandpiper and Tree Pipit.
25th Redshank, Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail (6) and Tree Pipit.
24th BLACK-TAILED GODWIT, Little Egret, Raven and Yellow Wagtail (3).
21st  Little Egret (2), Wigeon and Woodlark.
20th Greenshank (2).
19th Black-tailed Godwit, Little Egret, Raven and Tree Pipit.
17th TURNSTONE, Hobby, Common Sandpiper and Tree Pipit.
16th Hobby, Kingfisher, Little Egret and Grey Partridge (3).
15th MARSH HARRIER (m), Hobby and Raven (5).
13th Common Sandpiper (2), Green Sandpiper (2), Crossbill (2) and Greenshank.
12th OSPREY, Little Egret, Common Sandpiper (2) and
10th Hobby (2), Common Sandpipers (2),  Grey Wagtail, Tree Pipit (3) and
9th Hobby, Teal, Common Sandpiper (2) Grey Wagtail and
8th EGYPTIAN GOOSE, Peregrine (juv), Hobby and Little Egret.
7th Greenshank, Common Sandpiper (2), Raven (4), Tree Pipit, Red Kite and Hobby.
6th Common Sandpiper.
5th Little Egret and Hobby.
4th Green Sandpiper, Hobby and Tree Pipit.
2nd Peregrine (2), Raven and Dunlin.

31st BLACK-TAILED GODWIT (6), Whimbrel (3) and Hobby.
29th Hobby.
28th Teal and Kingfisher.
27th MARSH HARRIER (juv), Greenshank and Raven.
26th Kingfisher.
25th Little Egret (7).
20th Crossbill, Siskin and Snipe.
19th Little Egret (4) and
Essex Skipper.
18th Yellow-legged Gull, Common Sandpiper (2) and a Siskin.
17th AVOCET, MEDITERRANEAN GULL, Little Egret (2) and Yellow-legged Gull.
15th Kingfisher (2).
13th Common Sandpiper, Grey Wagtail and 
Pebble Hook-tip moth.
12th Teal (2), Common Sandpiper, Raven (3), Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, Roe Deer and Fox.
9th Grasshopper Warbler (2) and Common Snipe.
8th Wheatear, Grasshopper Warbler, Grey Wagtail, Kingfisher and Common Sandpiper.
5th Common Tern.
4th MEDITERRANEAN GULL, Hobby (2), Common Sandpiper and Peregrine.
3rd Kingfisher and
Muntjac Deer.
2nd Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail.
1st Common Sandpiper.


30th Common Tern (2) and a Roe Deer.
29th Raven (2) and a 
Roe Deer.
26th Raven (3).
25th Little Egret (2).
23rd Raven and
Marbled White (84).
22nd Common Tern (2), Nuthatch and 
Marbled White (46).
19th Crossbill, Grey Wagtail and
Red Admiral.
17th RED KITE and Siskin.
Grass Snake (m, f).
12th KNOT.
11th Cuckoo and
Large Skipper.
10th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Nuthatch, Grey Wagtail and
Painted Lady.
8th Hobby, Nuthatch and
 Large Skipper.
6th Ringed Plover and Shoveler (2).
5th Little Egret and Ringed Plover.
4th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Teal, Ringed Plover and Great Crested Grebe (2).
3rd RED KITE and Ringed Plover.
30th Shoveler (2).

26th Raven.
25th Grey Wagtail.
24th Little Egret, Woodcock and Grey Partridge.
20th Greenshank.
19th Cuckoo.
18th Lesser Whitethroat and Siskin.
17th Peregrine (2) and a 
16th Goosander (m), Ringed Plover and Raven .
15th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Woodlark and
Roe Deer.
14th Peregrine, Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover.
13th Dunlin (2) and Ringed Plover.
12th Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Raven and
11th Whimbrel, Common Sandpiper and Ringed Plover.
10th Red Kite, Ringed Plover (9) and Swift (15).
8th May - Cuckoo, Swift, Raven, Greenland Wheatear and
Roe Deer (2).
5th May - Wheatear (f), Lesser Whitethroat, Raven 
Dingy Skipper and  Roe Deer.
4th Common Sandpiper and Raven.
3rd GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Whimbrel and Teal.
2nd Little Egret, Common Sandpiper, Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Red Kite, Cuckoo, Shelduck (2) and Raven.
1st Whimbrel, Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow Wagtail (2), Raven and Grey Partridge (2).

30th Grey Partridge (2), Grey Wagtail and Common Whitethroat.
29th Common Sandpiper, Lesser Whitethroat, Greenland Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail and White Wagtail.
28th Golden Plover.
27th Shelduck.
26th Dunlin and Garden Warbler.
25th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER and White Wagtail.
24th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER and White Wagtail.
23rd GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Little Egret (2), White Wagtail (2), and
Roe Deer.
22nd Sedge Warbler and Shoveler (2).
21st GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Brambling and Little Egret.
20th Shoveler (m) and Sand Martin (200).
18th RING OUZEL and GRASSHOPPER WARBLER and Woodlark (2).
17th Whinchat (m).
16th Reed Warbler, Yellow Wagtail and Raven.
Common Lizard and Roe Deer (2).
14th Whitethroat (3), Crossbill, Redwing (2) and Tree Pipit.
13th Yellow Wagtail and Sand Martin (150).
12th RING OUZEL (5), Wheatear (4) and Tree Pipit.
1th RING OUZEL, Curlew and House Martin.
10th - Yellow Wagtail, Fieldfare (2)and a Brambling.
9th - Brambling, Raven, Snipe (3) and
Roe Deer (2).
8th Willow Warbler, Oystercatcher (2),
Common Lizard and Roe Deer.
7th Wheatear.
6th Sand Martin and Raven (3).
5th Swallow.
4th Mandarin (m) and Grey Wagtail (2).
3rd Little Egret, Shoveler (16), Brambling and
Roe Deer.
2nd White Wagtail, Brambling and
1st Oystercatcher (2), Common Snipe (2) and White Wagtail.

31st Dunlin and Shoveler (13).
30th Goldeneye (2), Dunlin and Great-crested Grebe.
29th Goldeneye (2), Dunlin, Shoveler (17), Oystercatcher (2) and Common Snipe (2).
28th AVOCET, Wigeon (19), Teal (6), Fieldfare (33) and Redshank.
27th Shoveler (17), Raven, Brambling and Great-crested Grebe (2).
26th Crossbill (4), Shoveler (13) and a Blackcap.
25th Goldeneye (2), Snipe (2), Oystercatcher (2), Water Rail and Shoveler (8m 4f).
24th Shoveler (6) and
Roe Deer (2).
23rd Crossbill (f), Shoveler (12) and a Raven.
22nd Goldeneye (2), Shoveler (3) and Raven.
21st White Wagtail and Shoveler.
20th White Wagtail, Mandarin (2), Jack Snipe and a
19th Little Egret, Goldeneye (2), Oystercatcher (5), Raven, Sand Martin and a
Common Lizard.
18th Peregrine, Water Rail and Grey Wagtail.
17th Red Kite, Peregrine, Mandarin (2) and
Roe Deer (1).
16th Goldeneye (2), Sand Martin (5), Water Rail and
Roe Deer (2).
15th Little Egret (2), Raven (2) and Brambling.
14th Shoveler (2).
13th Little Egret, Water Rail, Oystercatcher (3) and Brambling.
12th Little Egret.
11th Woodlark, Peregrine and Grey Partridge (2).
10th Chiffchaff (2) and Great Crested Grebe.
9th Peregrine and Grey Wagtail.
7th Stonechat (m), Whooper Swan (42), Brambling (5) and
Roe Deer (2).
6th Stonechat (m).
5th Little Egret.
4th Shoveler (2) and Jack Snipe.
Roe Deer.
2nd RED-CRESTED POCHARD (m), Great Crested Grebe (2) and Little Egret.
1sth Jack Snipe (2) and Raven (2).

28th RED KITE, Oystercatcher (2), Woodlark (2) and Stonechat (m).
26th Woodlark.
22nd Oystercatcher, and Lapwing (44).
21st Oystercatcher (2), Lesser Redpoll and Siskin (4).
20th Oystercatcher (2) and Jack Snipe.
18th RED KITE and Oystercatcher.
16th Oystercatcher, Jack Snipe, Siskin (2) and Barn Owl.
15th Redwing (64).
14th Woodcock, Oystercatcher, Great Crested Grebe and Grey Wagtail.
12th Jack Snipe and Oystercatcher.

11th Common Snipe (2).
9th Oystercatcher.
7th Little Egret (2), Water Rail and
Roe Deer.
6th Raven (2).
5th Little Egret (2), Raven (2) and Water Rail.

30th Little Egret, Woodcock and Roe Deer (2).
29th Raven (3).
24th Water Rail and Grey Wagtail.
23rd Peregrine and Raven (2).
22nd Little Egret, Water Rail and Raven (2).
18th Water Rail, Whooper Swan (8), Siskin (3), Sparrowhawk and
Roe Deer (2).
17th Great Crested Grebe and Shoveler.
16th Water Rail.
14th Goldeneye (f) and Whooper Swan.
13th Crossbill, Woodcock, Sparrowhawk and Snipe (12).
12th Barn Owl and
Roe Deer.
11th Little Egret, Raven and Grey Wagtail.
9th Raven and Jack Snipe.
7th Water Rail and Shoveler (4).
5th Brambling.
4th Brambling and 
Roe Deer.
3rd Jacksnipe and Wigeon (19).
2nd Blackcap and Bullfinch (2m, 1f).

© 2024 Friends of Newstead & Annesley Country Park

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