Projects & Events
The Country Park needs constant upkeep in the form of general maintenance. For example repairs to fencing and improving drainage.
Work also has to be carried out to maintain the different habitats to meet the needs of the wildlife. For example clearing areas of vegetation for birds who need an open area to nest.
There are projects planned and in progress for improving the park.
Events are held to involve the local community and other people who want to help in maintaining and improving the Park.
We are extremely pleased to take delivery of a container on site. The container will be used for the storage of low value tools and materials. Thank you to Northfield Construction for help to ensure a safe and level installation.
The container will have 24 hour CCTV surveillance. We would like to thank the A W Group for there help and advice.

Park Maintenance - To encourage new growth self seeded Scot's Pine have been cleared and Willow and Birch scrub cut back on the middle lagoon. This will promote new growth and encourage insects. These are essential to breeding birds.
Paths - Work is continually undertaken to improve the paths and walkways throughout The Park. Much of this work can be attributed to help from the Probation Service.
Picnic Area - This has been completed. The picnic bench is in place and a bird feeding station has been erected.
Sand Martin Bank - Sand Martin feed over the lakes, and it is intended in the future to have an artificial bank to provide them with a nesting site for them to breed on The Park. This is currently in the planning stage and external funding is being sought to support the project.

Hedgehog Bunkers - At the present time these animals are really struggling. 2 bunkers have been built to help the hedgehogs that we have on the park.

Planting - Hedge planting and strimming in October. Approximately 150 native plants were planted.

Scrub Clearance - Thanks to Northfield Construction and Jason for the work carried out with scrub clearance on the middle lagoon over the last couple of days. Piles of scrub were left on the banking for a time to dry out and to allow any invertebrates to find their way back into the water. Some of the reed removed will be transplanted to other areas of the lagoon.

Brackenhurst University - Students from this university visited the site in November. They will be carrying out work on the park over the coming months.

BIG PARK CLEAR UP! - Volunteers helped with a clear up of rubbish and litter in the Country Park. The litter pick started at 10 am and the volunteers worked up to around 1pm.
Rubbish was cleared from all over the park, on grassland, along tracks, throughout the woods and from the edge of a couple of the lagoons. Volunteers also collected tree guards that protected the trees when they were saplings. The rubbish and guards easily filled a skip.
The Management Committee would like to thank the volunteers for their hard work, which everyone agreed was really worthwhile. Note the before and after pictures below in one of the woods.