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Notable Sightings 2021
31st Green Sandpiper and Jack Snipe (3).
28th Shoveler (2).
27th Jack Snipe and Sparrowhawk.
26th Jack Snipe.
24th Siskin.
23rd Little Egret, Snipe (2), Shoveler (2) and Siskin (8).
22nd Little Egret and Wigeon (26).
21st Jack Snipe, Siskin and Barn Owl.
20th Little Egret (2), Wigeon (25), Pink-Footed Geese (21) and Raven.
19th Jack Snipe and Grey Wagtail.
18th Siskin (2) and Bullfinch (2).
17th Roe Deer (2).
16th Redwing (12), Shoveler (2) and Sparrowhawk.
15th Goosander (f) and Sparrowhawk.
14th Lapwing (50) and Common Gull (30).
13th Wigeon (15).
12th Goosander and Roe Deer.
11th Goshawk, Siskin, Fieldfare and Lesser Redpoll.
10th Fieldfare (4) and Common Snipe (2).
9th Wigeon (40) and Common Gull.
8th Raven, Little Egret and Wigeon (43).
6th Stonechat, Wigeon (47), Brambling and Roe Deer (4).
5th Stonechat.
4th Sparrowhawk, Grey Partridge (6) and Shoveler (2).
3rd Shoveler, Fieldfare (15) and Redwing (6).
2nd Little Egret and Gey Wagtail.
30th Whooper Swan (6) and Sparrowhawk.
29th Brambling (2) and Water Rail.
28th Woodcock, Water Rail and Roe Deer.
27th Pink-footed Goose.
25th Peregrine.
24th Raven, Wigeon (15) and Roe Deer (2)
23rd Snipe (2).
21st CETTI'S WARBLER, Pink-footed Geese (90) and Little Egret (2).
20th CETTI'S WARBLER, Goldeneye, Bramblling (14) and Wigeon (43).
18th Peregrine, Goldeneye and Little Egret.
17th Goldeneye, Raven (2) and Brambling (5).
15th Dunlin and Goldeneye.
14th Little Egret, Peregrine, Woodcock, Goldeneye and Water Rail.
13th Goldeneye and Water Rail.
12th Goldeneye, Water Rail, Raven (2) and Brambling (32).
10th Brambling (15).
9th Water Rail.
8th MERLIN, Little Egret, Water Rail and Brambling (4).
7th Little Egret, Red Kite, Peregrine and Jack Snipe.
6th Little Egret, Water Rail and Tree Sparrow.
5th Little Egret (2) and Water Rail.
4th Redwing (4000), Fieldfare (1930), Woodpigeon (5300) and Pink-Footed Geese (110).
3rd Little Egret and Water Rail.
2nd Goosander and Water Rail.
1st Golden Plover, Raven and Brambling (3).
31st Pintail (2m).
30th TWITE.
29th Jack Snipe (2) and Brambling (2).
28th Raven and Brambling (2).
27th Chiffchaff and Brambling (6).
26th Goosander (m), Brambling (11), Chiffchaff and Woodlark.
25th GREAT WHITE EGRET (2), CETTI'S WARBLER, Rock Pipit and Raven (2).
24th CETTI'S WARBLER, Wigeon (46), Raven (6), Brambling (9) and a Crossbill.
22nd GOSHAWK, Goosander (4) and Brambling (10).
21st Brambling (2).
20th RING OUZEL, Raven and Brambling (5).
17th Jack Snipe and Brambling.
16th Little Egret, Swallow (2) and Brambling (3).
15th Water Rail, Woodlark and Brambling (3).
13th Rock Pipit, Ringed Plover, Redwing (355) and Brambling (2).
12th Goosander and Brambing (5).
11th Jack Snipe and Brambling.
9th GOSHAWK (juv), Woodlark, Brambling (2) and Pink-footed Geese (140).
8th Jack Snipe (2) and Brambling (8).
7th GANNET, Redwing (2), Brambling (16), Swallow (6) and Woodlark.
6th Stonechat (2).
5th Little Ringed Plover.
4th Stonechat (2) and Little Ringed Plover.
3rd Little Egret, Peregrine, Little Ringed Plover, Raven (3), Sand Martin, Nuthatch and Roe Deer (2).
2nd Little Ringed Plover, Yellow Wagtail and Peregrine (juv).
1st Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Swallow (3), Sand Martin, Snipe (2), Green Woodpecker and Yellow Wagtail.
30th Little Egret, Ringed Plover, Little Ringed Plover and Swallow (19).
29th Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Sedge Warbler.
28th Little Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Yellow Wagtail.
27th Ringed Plover, Wigeon (4) and Shoveler (2).
26th Hobby (2 juv), Raven, Wigeon (32), Shoveler (11), Ringed Plover and Yellow Wagtail.
25th RING-NECKED PARAKEETS (2), Wigeon (19), Shoveler (5), Ringed Plover, Snipe (10 high west), Raven (3) and Woodlark (2).
24th Shoveler (2), Woodlark (2), Ringed Plover, Hobby. Wigeon (19) and Roe Deer (2).
23rd Goosander, Woodlark (2), Stonechat and Ringed Plover (3).
22nd Woodlark (2) and a Yellow Wagtail.
21st Shoveler (8) and Snipe (8).
20th Hobby (2 juv), Raven (2) and Stonechat.
19th Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail.
18th Ringed Plover, Dunlin (2), Raven, Grey Wagtail (3) and Yellow Wagtail.
17th Dunlin (2) and Yellow Wagtail (2).
16th Dunlin (2), Wigeon (4) and Yellow Wagtail.
15th Dunlin (3), Common Sandpiper, Raven (2) and Grey Wagtail (3).
14th Dunlin, Common Sandpiper, Willow Warbler and Yellow Wagtail.
13th Wigeon (4), Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail (2).
12th Peregrine, Dunlin, Common Sandpiper and Tree Pipit.
11th Hobby, Common Sandpiper (2), Dunlin, Yellow Wagtail (2), Tree Pipit, Little Egret, Shoveler (5) and Painted Lady.
10th Peregrine and Fox.
9th Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail.
8th Greenshank, Golden Plover, Green Sandpiper and Common Sandpiper.
7th Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper and Raven (2).
6th Shelduck (2), Little Egret, Wigeon (4), Common Sandpiper, Tree Sparrow, Hobby (2), Swift, Dunlin and Swallow (158).
5th Golden Plover, Dunlin, Teal (22) and Shoveler.
4th Woodlark (2).
3rd Ringed Plover and Raven (2).
2nd Snipe (2), Grey Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail.
1st Peregrine, Shoveler (3), Golden Plover and Ringed Plover.
31st Black-tailed Godwit (9) and Snipe (8).
30th Hobby (3), Raven, Grey Wagtail (2), Grey Partridge (3), Swift (3) and Wigeon.
29th Raven (2), Tree Pipit and Roe Deer (3).
28th Shoveler, Snipe (4) and Yellow Wagtail (3).
27th Cuckoo, Pintail (3) and Wigeon (7).
26th Little Egret.
24th PRATINCOLE sp, MERLIN and Peregrine (juv).
23rd GREAT WHITE EGRET, Green Sandpiper, Hobby (2), Golden Plover (3), Ringed Plover (2) Tree Pipit (2) and Teal (15).
22nd Golden Plover, Yellow Wagtail (5) and a Stoat.
21st Little Egret, Ringed Plover and Snipe (5).
20th Wheatear, Green Sandpiper, Woodcock (2) and Raven (2).
19th Little Egret, Yellow Wagtail, Snipe and Roe Deer (3).
18th Whimbrel (7), Raven (2), Woodlark (2) and Tree Pipit.
17th Wheatear.
15th Black-tailed Godwit and Tree Pipit (2).
14th Snipe, Swift, Tree Pipit and Yellow Wagtail.
13th Swift and Grey Wagtail.
12th Raven (2) and Snipe.
11th Little Egret, Ravens (4) and Woodlarks (2).
8th Green Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail
4th Little Ringed Plover.
3rd Green Sandpiper, Hobby, Little Egret (2) and Common Sandpiper.
2nd Green Sandpiper (2).
1st Black-tailed Godwit (6) and Common Sandpiper.
31st Little Egret and Common Sandpiper.
30th ARCTIC TERN (3).
29th Common Sandpiper.
27th Common Sandpiper, Great Crested Grebe and Siskin.
25th Woodlark, Common Sandpiper and Redshank.
23nd Wigeon and Snipe.
21st Common Sandpiper and Shoveler.
20th Woodlark.
19th Redshank, Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail.
18th Lesser Emperor Dragonfly.
17th Peregrine, Common Sandpiper, Kingfisher, Grey Wagtail, Siskin, Lesser Emperor Dragonfly and Marbled Whites (23).
16th Common Sandpiper (2), Grey Wagtail and Weasel.
15th Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail.
14th Curlew, Common Sandpiper (2) and Nuthatch.
12th COMMON SCOTER (11) and Common Sandpiper (3).
10th Peregrine, Dunlin, Redshank, Siskin and Black-tailed Godwit.
9th Hobby.
8th Hobby and Curlew. Marbled Whites flying.
7th Little Egret, Redshank and Ringed Plover.
6th Grey Wagtail.
3rd Green Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit (2).
2nd Green Sandpiper, Curlew, Raven (2 juv), Kingfisher and Roe Deer.
1st GRASSHOPPER WARBLER and Kingfisher.
30th Common Tern and Snipe.
28th Hobby and Roe Deer.
27th Raven.
25th Green Sandpiper (2) and Lesser Whitethroat (2).
24th Curlew and Nuthatch.
22nd Grey Wagtail.
19th Peregrine and Lesser Whitethroat.
16th Lesser Whitethroat and Nuthatch.
14th Grey Wagtail.
11th Red Kite and Great Crested Grebe.
9th Cuckoo.
8th Kingfisher and Grey Wagtail.
5th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Water Rail, Nuthatch and Broad-bodied Chaser.
4th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Siskin (2) and Roe Deer.
2nd Red Kite.
28th Little Egret, Lesser Whitethroat and Great Crested Grebe.
27th Peregrine and Common Tern.
26th TURTLE DOVE, Fox and Roe Deer.
25th Yellow Wagtail (4) and Great Crested Grebe.
24th Spotted Flycatcher and Lesser Whitethroat.
22nd Little Egret.
19th Garden Warbler, Siskin and Fox.
17th Hobby, Woodlark, Water Rail, Raven (3), Grey Wagtail and Grey Partridge.
16th Mandarin.
14th Lesser Whitethroat.
11th ARCTIC TERN, Hobby, Ringed Plover, Wheatear, Siskin, Lesser Redpoll (20+) and Fox.
10th Tree Pipit, Ringed Plover and White Wagtail.
9th WOOD SANDPIPER, Woodlark, Dunlin (3), Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Turnstone (2), Swift (20), Raven (2) and White Wagtail.
8th Mandarin (2) and White Wagtail (2).
7th Common Sandpiper, Yellow Wagtail (3), Swift (3) and Roe Deer.
6th Woodlark.
5th Ringed Plover and Swift (2).
4th Woodlark, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper and White Wagtail.
3rd Ringed Plover, Common Sandpiper, Wheatear, White Wagtail and Roe Deer(3).
2nd Common Sandpiper, Wheatear, White Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Water Rail, Swift and Roe Deer.
1st GARGANEY (2), WHINCHAT, Common Sandpiper (2), Wheatear, White Wagtail, Ringed Plover, Peregrine and Fieldfare (4). Hare , Muntjac and Roe Deer (2) .
30th White Wagtail and Dunlin.
29th White Wagtail and Common Sandpiper.
28th ARCTIC TERN, Dunlin (2), Yellow Wagtail, Goldcrest and Snipe.
27th Garden Warbler, Common Sandpiper, Swift, Yellow Wagtail and Fieldfare.
26th Common Sandpiper and Yellow Wagtail.
25th GRASSHOPPER WARBLER, Yellow Wagtail, Common Sandpiper, Grey Partridge (2) and Roe Deer.
24th BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL, HOBBY, Common Sandpiper, Yellow Legged Gull, Mandarin (2), Mistle Thrush (2) and Fieldfare (5) flew NW.
22nd Tree pipit, Wheatear, Reed warbler, Sedge warbler and Red-legged Partridge (2).
21st RING OUZEL (m), Wheatear (2) and Whimbrel.
20th Common Whitethroat, Sedge Warbler, Yellow Wagtails (7+), White Wagtail,
Northern Wheatear, Grey Partridge (2) and Weasel.
19th Wheatear.
18th Wheatear and Yellow Wagtail.
17th Mandarin (2) and Roe Deer.
16th MARSH HARRIER. Landed in reedbed and flew East.
15th Shoveler (m).
14th Yellow Wagtail (4), White Wagtail, Peregrine, Swallow and 42 Whooper Swan flying North West.
13th Yellow Wagtail (2), Brambling (3) and flock of 180 Sand Martin.
12th Tree Pipit, Brambling (4) and Willow Warbler (2).
11th MEALY REDPOLL, Tree Pipit and Brambling (3).
10th Woodcock, Redpoll (90+), Siskin (10) and Brambling (4).
9th Common Sandpiper.
8th Water Rail (4+), Peregrine, Teal (2), Sand Martin (140 post-roost flock) and Brambling.
7th Swallow (6), Raven, Red Kite, White Wagtail, Golden Plover and Willow Warbler.
6th Willow Warbler
5th Water Rail, Swallow (2) and House Martin.
4th Goldeneye (4), Raven, Water Rail and Brambing.
3rd Goosander and Water Rail.
1st Redshank, Swallow (first of year), White Wagtail and Peregrine. Flock of 120 Sand Martin.
31st Blackcap, Mandarin (2), Willow Warbler (5), Goshawk, Water Rail, Grey Partridge (2), Raven and White Wagtail.
30th Wheatear, Willow Warbler, Sand Martin (3) and Oystercatcher (2).
29th Red Kite and Oystercatcher (2).
28th White Wagtail and Mandarin (2).
27th CURLEW and Sand Martin (8).
26th Sand Martin (7), Oystercatcher (2) and Water Rail.
24th - Sand Martin (4), Water Rail, Red Kite and Chiffchaff.
23rd Peregrine, Goldeneye and Roe Deer and Stoat.
22nd Red Kite, Lesser Redpole (6), Barn Owl, Sparrowhawk (2), Wigeon (9) and Snipe.
21st Red Kite (2) and Mandarin (2).
20th Red Kite.
19th ROCK PIPIT, Goldeneye (M), Wigeon (4) and Brambling.
18th Great Crested Grebe, Little Egret, Great Black Backed Gull and Tawny Owl.
17th Sand Martin, Mandarin, Water Rail, Brambling (16), Raven (2), Grey Heron, Goshawk, Great Crested Grebe, Pied Wagtails (50+) and Wigeon (9).
16th Red Kite, Raven, Oystercatcher (2), Chiffchaff and Great Crested Grebe.
15th Siskin (5), Chiffchaff, Tawny Owl, Fieldfare (7) and a fox.
14th Kittiwake, Brambling, Crossbill and a fox.
13th Wigeon (6), Goldeneye (4), Crossbill (8), Oystercatcher (2), Raven, Peregrine (juv), Barn Owl, and Common Snipe (8).
11th Common Gull (12) and Barn Owl.
10th Oystercatcher (2) and Great Crested Grebe.
9th Goldeneye (m + f), Sand Martin (earliest recorded on the Park by 6 days), Red Kite, Oystercatcher (2), Great Crested Grebe (2), Lesser Redpoll (2) and Barn Owl.
8th Water Rail, Mistle Thrush, Green Woodpecker heard.
7th Kittiwake and Stonechat (F).
6th Peregrine, Raven, Crossbills (10) and Water Rail.
5th Water Rail (3), Raven (3), Crossbill (10), Barn Owl, Buzzard (4), Oystercatcher (2) and Golden Plover (60+) flying north east.
4th Dunlin, Oystercatchers (2), Snipe (7), Sparrowhawk and Common Gull (16).
3rd - Fieldfare (49) flying south east, Sparrowhawk, Water Rail (2), Oystercatcher (2) and Barn Owl.
2nd Crossbill (2), Oystercatcher (2) and Barn Owl.
1st Whooper Swan (4), Goldeneye (3), Jack Snipe and Water Rail.
28th Oystercatcher (2), Shoveler, Stonechat (f), Yellowhammer and fieldfare (6) flying over.
27th Goldeneye (4), Common Lizard (3).
26th Chiffchaff, Barn Owl(2) and Red Kite.
25th Oystercatchers(2), Lesser Redpoll(2), Snipe x 2, Skylark (8+) and
Stonechat (f).
24th Goshawk
23rd Oystercatcher (2), Fieldfare (17) flying NE and Snipe (9).
22nd Oystercatcher (2) and Dunlin.
21st Oystercatcher (2)
20th Stonechat (2) (m+f)
17th Skylark (7), Barn Owl (3) and Roe Deer (3).
16th Goldcrest(12), Grey Partridge(4), Snipe, Jack Snipe(2), Siskin(30) and Little Egret flying West.
14th Little Egret,
13th Crossbill(10) and Whooper Swan flying east
12th Raven, Common Snipe(5) and Woodcock.
11th Jack Snipe(2), Common Snipe(10), Grey Wagtail, Stonechat, Raven(2), Great White Egret flying East and Little Egret flying North East, Roe Deer (4).
10th Jack Snipe, Common Snipe(14), Yellow Hammer(f) and60 Pink-footed Geese flying West.
9th Grey Partridge (4), Common Snipe (4), Stonechat and Raven(2).
7th Kittiwake (flying south west), Peregrine, Jack Snipe (2), Snipe, Stonechat
5th Goshawk.
1st Black-tailed Godwit.
31st Raven (2), Whooper Swan (24) and Pink-footed geese (75) flying north west.
30th Raven (2), Stonechat, Pink-footed geese (62) flying north west.
29th Raven (2), Skylark, Tawny Owl, Stonechat.
28th Common Gull (4).
27th Little Egret, Stonechat (m).
25th Snipe (5), Fieldfare (20).
24th Raven, Stonechat.
23rd Wigeon, Woodcock, Grey Wagtail. Great White Egret flew east.
21st Goldeneye (m), Goosander (f).
20th Stoat.
19th Brambling (3), Grey Wagtail.
17th Little Egret, Jack Snipe (2), Peregrine.
16th Little Egret, Kingfisher.
12th Goshawk, Raven (2), Jack Snipe (2), Common Snipe (5) and Redpoll (8). Chiffchaff calling.
11th Goosander, Raven. Also Pintail, first January record for the park.
9th White Fronted Goose! Only second record in the park, Brambling, Water Rail, Roe Deer (3).
7th Snipe (10), Grey Wagtail.
6th Peregrine, Jack Snipe (5), skein of Pink Footed Geese (90), Roe Deer (3)
5th Little Owl, Raven (2).
4th Goshawk (juv), Raven (2), Whooper Swan (4)
2nd Brambling (5).
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